Former teller admits to embezzling $165,000

Frances McComas steals cash from the credit union’s vault over four years.

A former teller at the $121 million West Virginia Federal Credit Union in South Charleston will be sentenced in January after admitting in federal court that she embezzled $165,500, the state’s U.S. Attorney Mike Stuart said last week.

Frances McComas, 56, stole the cash from the credit union’s vault from 2015 to April 2019. She falsified financial records to hide the embezzlement, federal prosecutors said.

Court documents do not reveal how McComas managed to conceal the cash on her person when she left the branch after her work shift or how she spent the stolen funds.

Although the former credit union employee could face up to a maximum of 30 years in federal prison and five years of supervised release, she is likely to receive a lighter sentence for signing a plea deal that requires McComas to fully cooperate with federal prosecutors in their ongoing investigation.


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