Hey batter batter, swing! Spring training for AML monitoring

by: Suzie Higbee

Spring training for Major League Baseball is winding to a close, which means opening day will soon be upon us. Over the course of a long season, the teams that have used their spring training wisely frequently find that it makes the difference between being a playoff contender and an also-ran.

In a similar fashion, efforts to thoroughly validate an anti-money laundering system can pay off in the long run.

How do you achieve a strong AML system? Here are four areas to work on to get you closer to post-season form.

Have a personalized game plan

What kind of manager would try to run his team like any other team, without regard for the specific strengths and weaknesses of each player. A fired manager, that’s who. Every single baseball team requires its own, unique approach. The players learn to work with each other, play to their strengths, and compensate for their vulnerabilities. The same goes for AML monitoring.

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