How to consistently engage employees with your brand

Branding your credit union or bank does not work without your employees. No matter what you say your brand vision is, if your employees don’t live it every single day it doesn’t matter.

Raddon, a Fiserv company, found that 55 percent of financial institution employees are disengaged with their credit union or bank’s brand. That means, in theory, more than half of the employees your members or customers interact with aren’t representing your brand. And your consumer experience is suffering because of it.

Clearly, living the brand is where many credit unions and banks struggle. You have a catchy tagline, a bold vision and even a targeted niche. But then your employees fail to live the brand message you’ve created. It’s the classic struggle of consistency.

For example—I’m sure this doesn’t happen at your institution—a consumer may go to one of your branches and, when they don’t receive the answer they wanted, drive across town to another one of your branches because they’ll get a different answer there.


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