How to retain employees and members

Fostering a culture of belonging

Employee burnout is a pervasive issue affecting organizations across various industries, and credit unions are no exception. The financial sector demands high commitment, attention to detail, and often long working hours, making credit union employees susceptible to burnout. However, creating a culture of belonging can be a powerful antidote to this challenge. This article will explore how cultivating a sense of belonging among employees can play a crucial role in preventing burnout within credit unions.

Burnout might be a big reason why 58% of employee respondents said they plan to explore new job opportunities in the next 12 months. Additionally, 59% claimed they work when they’re sick, 43% would be open to a pay cut if it resulted in a better work-life balance, and 25% said they work in a “toxic environment.” This startling statistic was among the many “ah-has” found in “Uncovering the Significant HR Trends of 2024 to Maximize Your Next-Best Step.” The report went on to say:

  • Most (88%) employees said having a job they find personally fulfilling is more important.
  • More than half (53%) of employees want their employer to provide more opportunities to develop their skills.


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