HR Answers: 6 ways to avoid stuffy interviews

Humor, coffee and thank-you notes are just a few ways to set your job candidates at ease and foster an engaging selection process.

Interviews are one of the best ways to get to know a candidate before they join your credit union team. But let’s face it—interviewing really isn’t fun for either side of the table, and it tends to put people on edge. Everyone wants to put their best foot forward; the candidate wants to impress you, and you want to impress the candidate, especially if they seem like a winning fit for your credit union. But that pressure is exactly what leads to nervous energy, a sudden bout of social awkwardness or even a loss for words. Given the stakes, interviews can end up being a bit stuffy.

Here are six ways to make your interviews memorable, in a good way!

1. Use Humor … Appropriately

Humor is a great way to lighten the mood and make the interview more enjoyable for both you and the candidate. However, it’s important to use humor in a respectful and appropriate way. Don’t make jokes at anyone’s expense. Keep it safe for work. The idea here is to simply set everyone at ease, find common ground and use humor to build rapport so that the conversation is more effective.


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