Hunt to NCUA: Consider strength of CUs in RBC framework

NAFCU’s Carrie Hunt urged the NCUA to consider “the totality of new regulation imposed since the financial crisis, much of which has sought to improve the safety and soundness of the financial sector as a whole,” as it seeks ways to moderate the effects of its risk-based capital (RBC) rule. Last month, the board moved forward with a proposed rule to further delay the rule’s implementation date to Jan. 1, 2022.

“For example, all credit unions must now have a plan to access a contingent liquidity source, all credit unions will soon be subject to the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard, most are subject to new interest rate risk management expectations, and most credit union lending activities are subject to greater scrutiny and restrictions than existed prior to the financial crisis,” added Hunt NAFCU’s Executive Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel in a letter sent to the agency yesterday.

In the letter, Hunt shares several recommendations for the board to consider as it evaluates a community bank leverage ratio analog for credit unions as well as how the agency should proceed with asset securitization and subordinated debt, and improving certain aspects of the 2015 RBC final rule. Hunt also urges the NCUA to work with Congress to amend the Federal Credit Union Act to achieve “comprehensive capital reform.”


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