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Important social media changes & updates that your credit union may have missed

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn have all made changes that affect how financial marketers work in social channels. Here's a recap.

by. Carie Schelfhaudt

High-quality, personalized content is what social networks expect from brands in 2014. Keeping up with these recent updates and changes will ensure that financial institutions are utilizing all available opportunities to increase engagement on social media.

Social media is always changing due to platform updates, the addition of features and edits to network algorithms. In 2014, social networks began noticeably shifting their focus to encourage more user-controlled, personalized, high-quality content from brands on social media. Keeping up with these trends will ensure that a financial institution is utilizing all available opportunities to increase engagement on social media.

Whether your bank or credit union is active on some or many social networks, it is important to stay current with changes so you can provide the best experience for your fans and followers. Both the financial institution and consumers benefit from increased engagement across social media channels.

With that in mind, here are some of the social media updates you may have missed.

Financial institutions utilize YouTube in a variety of different ways. Some use the social network to post their commercial videos to promote products, while others understand the importance of providing educational material to their customers or members. Those that create content that is not necessarily promotional (but still intended to help brand the financial institution overall), may be interested in this new YouTube feature.

John Pettit