Instagram campaigns seek emotional connections for banking brands

While Instagram was built on still photos, experts now say that "Instagram Stories" — a blend of slideshows, video, stills, text, all depending on the point — are where it's at. Here's the latest thinking on how to get the most from this social media platform and a gallery of examples to review.

What would banks and credit unions do on Instagram if dogs didn’t exist?

Actually, there’s quite a bit financial marketers have been doing as Instagram builds out its platform. But financial brands seem to have an affinity for canines, from service dogs sponsored by the institutions to employee and customer pets to more abstract memes such as Bank of America’s slightly surreal dog-on-the-beach Instagram post seen in the gallery below. Most bank and credit union accounts explored by The Financial Brand had many dog photos posted — we could have done an all-dog gallery and not exhausted the inventory. We found only one cat, and it didn’t look terribly happy.

unhappy cat instagram

Instagram, invented in 2010 and now owned by Facebook, is a relative newcomer to the social media fray, especially in its current iteration. One factor that sets it apart from older platforms is that its creators designed it as a mobile-first effort. You can view and do many things on the computer version of Instagram, but using a mobile device gives you the full experience.

“Instagram is a mobile-friendly experience,” says Meredith Olmstead, CEO and Founder, FI GROW Solutions, which helped with this report. People increasingly seem unable to put their phones down, so this is a good place to catch their eye. Especially if they are Millennials and Gen Z.


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