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Is $1 million enough for retirement?


To have $1 million saved for retirement used to be synonymous with living the good life. Today, with the average American living longer, it may not last as long as you think.

According to a study, $1 million will last you about 20 years, depending upon where you live. The study factored in living costs for expenses like housing, transportation, healthcare, groceries, utilities and more.

It may not come as much of a surprise, but the study found $1 million will last longer if you retire in the South, Southwest and Southern Midwest regions of the United States. Large coastal cities like New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco or Boston can whittle your $1 million savings away within 17 years.

It’s not just about the money. Before packing your bags, other factors such as family, friends and overall quality of life also play a huge role in making the most of your retirement years.

Curious if where you live ranked among’s Top 10 cities? Here are the metro areas where $1 million will last the longest.


$1 million will last: 25.96 years

Oklahoma City
$1 million will last: 24.58 years

Austin, Texas
$1 million will last: 24.53 years

Tulsa, Okla.
$1 million will last: 24.3 years

Memphis, Tenn.
$1 million will last: 24.23 years

Columbus, Ohio
$1 million will last: 24.07 years

$1 million will last: 23.73 years

Louisville, Ky.
$1 million will last: 23.68 years

Omaha, Neb.
$1 million will last: 23.60 years

San Antonio
$1 million will last: 23.15 years