Is your career in need of spring cleaning?

Take a step back from all the uncertainty to assess your next professional goal.

Even in these uncertain times, spring is a time of renewal and growth. Nature understands that seasons of rebirth are vital for continued development; however, many of us can either get stuck in a rut—or face so much change that we neglect to reflect on what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. Join in this season of renewal by doing some professional spring cleaning.

Take Stock

If you want to move forward, you need to take a step back and evaluate. Whether you desire to grow in your current role or are seeking an entirely new position, you can chart a path of progress. The first step is to assess your career. It can be tempting to gloss over this step. While mental work is some of the hardest work we do, it is also some of the most productive. Take an hour or two of dedicated time of reflection on the last year. Put away your phone, avoid interruptions and ask yourself these four questions:

1.  What projects gave me the greatest satisfaction? Cleaning expert Marie Kondo has made a brand—and now a successful Netflix series—out of asking people to evaluate their possessions with one question: “Does it bring you joy?” It is useful to identify what you find meaningful at work. How can you leverage your passion into new avenues to benefit your organization? Just as you should understand the work that invigorates you, you should also be aware of the tasks you avoid. While we can’t donate the tasks that we’ve outgrown to Goodwill, understanding how you operate can inform even the less enjoyable parts of your job and shape the way you approach them.


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