Is Your Credit Union Growing or Dying?

James Robert Lay, Grower of Relationships, PTP NEW MEDIA & CU*SWAGby: James Robert Lay, Grower of Relationships, PTP NEW MEDIA & CU*SWAG

Time is flying by as we are beginning the second half of the year.

You started off the year with a bang and had all these great ideas, plans and visions. You were going to change the world, do things differently, innovate and destroy the box. You had focus.

You attended a few industry conferences that got you stoked and fired up. You were inspired, invigorated and hyped up to continue to press forward with your mission.

You were going to grow your credit union this year.

But then… life happened. Emails came in. Tasks arose. Meetings transpired. Trust was questioned. Sh!# happened.

You began to live day to day, no longer living for the future, and relying on excuses to get by. Fear surrounds you. Things have become ugly as you feel you have lost your way with your great ideas, plans and visions starting to fade away.

So, as we start the second half of this year, ask yourself and be honest…is your credit union growing or dying?

The moment a person or an organization stops growing is the minute they begin to die.

You have a choice to make.

Look in the mirror and share your thoughts below as you reflect on where you stand.  Are you growing or are you dying?

In February of 2002, during his sophomore year at San Jacinto College, James Robert founded PTP NEW MEDIA from his bedroom. Since then, PTP NEW MEDIA has helped credit unions build relationships with members with the help of offline, online, internal and external marketing channels.  Their work has won many state and national marketing awards. He is also behind the movement to help make credit unions fashionably cool with CU*SWAG and was named the first “CU Times Trailblazer 40 Below” of 2012.  James Robert completed his MBA in 2006 and has enjoyed speaking at many different credit union conferences and events.

James Robert Lay

James Robert Lay

JAMES ROBERT LAY is one of the world’s leading digital marketing authors, speakers, and advisors for financial brands. As the founder and CEO of the Digital Growth Institute, he ... Web: Details