Leadership Matters: A CEO’s guide to leading strategically

Top execs should cultivate these four traits to steer their credit unions to success.

Getting to the top of the corporate ladder can take years and is an impressive accomplishment. As a CEO in the credit union industry, you will find yourself in the ultimate leadership role with great responsibilities and an obligation to live up to the credit union standard of providing excellent member service and the philosophy of “people helping people.” This means that your ability to effectively lead a team of individuals while also keeping your members (and employees) happy is extremely important. Usually, organizational success or failure is reflective of the people at the top, so here are a few points we at Oak Tree suggest you always keep in mind when it comes to effective leadership.

1.  Strategic Mindset

As a leader, you should always be thinking two steps ahead and have a clear focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Keep your credit union’s annual organizational goals focused on a few main areas, track your progress and measure growth and success. Also, being aware of and recognizing efficient strategies is beneficial—that is, document your processes and remember what works.


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