Leadership Matters: How to write ‘the morning email’ (to all staff)

Care of your human capital is paramount. How will you grow your people?

Ahh the rigors of the modern financial services environment. The pace is faster, the turnover is spiraling, technology changing, the complexities … well, complex. What is a leader to do these days to set direction, convey emotion, paint vision, foster support, create belief, inspire?

Well, you can build boxes for your people, draft airtight job descriptions and have your management “enforcers” make sure everyone stays in their lane! The horror, the horror …. Or, you can perhaps take a different path, a road less traveled, make a commitment to inspire people, your people, help them achieve, help them to emotionally connect to your vision, help them become the best versions of themselves.

Caveat: Reading beyond this point may mean that you are committing to writing a positive email to all your employees every day—a major commitment and not for the faint of heart … but the payoffs are amazing: goodwill built, positive feedback etc. The risks are many, but the rewards are boundless.


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