Let your staff be your brand

This year at #CUNAGAC, attendees were lucky to hear a keynote from UnMarketing’s Scott Stratten. After his highly entertaining presentation, one phrase that stuck with me was “Whatever your members think your brand is, they’re right.” You may want your brand to be one thing, but whatever your members are experiencing is what it actually is. Do you find this troubling? Fear not. You have a highly intelligent front-line staff who can be a living, breathing, embodiment of your brand. Here are three ways you can help your staff become just that…

Lead by example: Your employees will be highly influenced by your leadership. If you’re not a good leader, you won’t have the staff that you want. Be an example of the kind of employee you want them to be, and you’ll create a staff of leaders that your members need.

Let them solve problems: No one knows your members better than your front-line staff. They help members deal with the everyday problems that they face. Use this data for good. Find out what members are saying and use this information to improve your products and services. Your employees will feel like their voice matters, and your members will love being with a credit union that listens to their needs.

Praise their greatness: When someone is doing exemplary work, recognition will inspire them to continue being exceptional. No matter what the employee’s role is, recognize them when they’ve gone the extra mile. A good employee who works for a company that they believe in is an employee who will be your greatest advocate.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details