Managing mental wellness at credit unions

Best practices for fostering well-being among both your employees and your leadership team during the pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the resulting emotional challenges employees confront escalates daily. Millions of employees and almost every employer are adjusting to previously unimaginable circumstances. Although it is hard to predict the long-term impact, there are clear indicators that the pandemic is adversely affecting mental health right now. As employees struggle to live within an ever-changing “normal,” the prevalence of mental wellness struggles mount.

What is happening to the American worker?

New research by the Society for Human Resource Management shows that up to 67% of U.S. employees “often” or “sometimes” experience symptoms of depression.

These symptoms include difficulty concentrating, feeling tired, feelings of failure or letting the family down. And for some, it’s worse, including rising hopelessness or little interest or pleasure in pursuing activities for over half of respondents. The boundary between work and home evaporated when more than 90% of U.S. workforce that could work remotely actually did—as such, employees now feel they are “on” all the time. Work life is no longer just completing the work and meeting deadlines. Employees have to manage child schooling, internet rationing and grocery washing. Once in-person school ended, that window to have a quiet space, where one can be productive and communicate effectively, disappeared. Now 41% of U.S. staff report feeling “burned out.”


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