Friends, we are in the home stretch. There are only a couple of days left in 2019 and we know from experience that the pressure of this time of year can be high - to say the least.
Since we’ve been in your shoes and at your desks, we’ve got some pro tips to get you through. Would you rather survive the holiday heat, or thrive your way into 2020? Here’s how to make the most out of your energy and keep your cool.
- Rest goes the top of your to-do list- We’re all guilty of sacrificing sleep for productivity and to-do lists insomeway or another this time of year. But the long hours in front of your screen and at your desk aregoingto do a number, so it’s our job to set ourselves up for as much rest-success as possible. Make your bedroom a tech-free zone. Use soft lightbulbs in your lamps. Do something more analog before bed. Trade your Instagram scroll for a book to read. The more you’re able to truly recover in your downtime, the more able you’ll be to show up fully to your tasks every day.
- Go for the real stuff- This one also requires that we step away from our devices or use them with intention. Take a moment or two out of your day to authentically connect with another person. Call a friend and let them know you’re thinking of them instead of just liking their last Facebook post. Make family dinner a phone-free zone and ask everyone what the high point of their day was. The little stuff matters and will be money in your energetic bank. Trust us, reminding someone that you love and care about them goes a long way.
- If there’s no return, don’t invest- Let’s face facts, there are going to be things left on your to-do list sometimes. As we get down to the wire for the year, what stands to make an impact in terms of return on the investment of your time, energy, money, etc.? Use this time to get serious about what is going tomatter- whether that’s a short-term or long-term payoff, ask yourself if it’s going to have been truly worth it. If the answer isn’t a resoundingyes, it’s a no for now.
- Get strategic about planning- What you can be sure is always a good investment is strategic planning. If you’re not sure where to start, give our 30-Minute Marketing Plan a try. If you're at 4th and 1 and there's nine seconds left - here’s your game-winning touchdown.
From all of us at EmpowerFi, we wish you an incredible end to the year that was 2019, and an empowered start to what 2020 is going to bring.