Membership Minute: To benefit, you have to keep doing it

How to transform intention into motivation—and then stay motivated—to keep learning in 2024.

On New Year’s Day and for several weeks afterward, gyms are often full of people who have made a resolution to get fit. A few weeks into the year, the gym is much quieter.

But some people keep coming. They’ve found ways to motivate themselves to continue working out. And once they go enough times over enough weeks, they start to reap the benefits of being stronger or more flexible, of losing weight and even feeling better. That in turn, helps them go and even find joy in their efforts.

What do the people who stick around do differently? And how do we apply these same ideas to learning? If you resolve to learn more in 2024, how can you deliver on your goal in ways that make you better at your current job, prepare you for your next role and maybe even enjoy your work more?


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