Miles to go Before I Sleep…

Bob Dorsa, President, ACUMAby: Bob Dorsa, President, ACUMA

The entire quote from the American poet, Robert Frost is “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

I began my credit union career nearly 40 years ago and remain committed to the concept; Home Lending have been my life’s vocation. I truly hope I can positively engage in this mortgage lending is the centerpiece for our future success. My observations on Credit Union topic of conversation contribute for the many great opportunities it provides for the Credit Union system.

When I recall the foundations and roots for Credit Unions cooperatives, phrases like “people helping people” to today’s “where people are worth more than money”…it is after all the people we serve that create our difference. Most credit unions serve their members exactly as they should, with respect and careful management of the financial institution value proposition, always placing the member’s interest above the organizations.

When we think of the pain and frustration most American’s have been through during the recent housing crisis and recession, I see this as the perfect opportunity for credit unions to take a giant leap forward. We continue to pay close attention, NOT making the same mistakes as others but to offer help and assistance to those seeking to take advantage of the current state of housing and for those clinging to their nest egg, reluctantly realizing it’s no longer their retirement jewel.

As far as the real economics, indications are families continued being formed, and younger generations carve a new future for themselves and our society. Housing is a lot different now. I believe this is why many Realtors are finally noticing Credit Unions. The dust has settled and Realtors can clearly see Credit Unions as vital members of their communities, ready to serve borrowers with dignity and trust, like it once was.

Realtors are an important part of every community. In fact, through our research we find many Realtors are Credit Union members. They may not be conducting home loan business with the Credit Union, but more than just a few can recite the credit union virtues just as well as us long-time insiders.

So in this modern age of Social Media and constant communication, reach out to Realtors in your community. Be sure to tell them your credit union’s story, how we have been steady as a rock during the good times and hard times in housing and how it has kept us strong and ready to contribute now.

Millions of Americans are waiting for Credit Unions to come to their rescue. The Bank Transfer Day phenomenon last fall was perhaps a start now let’s ALL take the next giant step. Some of us have been waiting a lifetime for this. I say, “Let’s Roll!”

Bob Dorsa is the President of the ACUMA (American Credit Union Mortgage Association) a professional trade association (co-founded by Dorsa in 1996). ACUMA is one of the most unique niche trade associations in the Credit Union industry. ACUMA’s sole focus is credit union mortgage lending and related real estate issues. Dorsa is responsible for all aspects of the trade association’s activities as official industry spokesperson, meeting planning, strategic development, marketing and communications and all business operations for the association and its more than 300 members nationwide.

Bob Dorsa

Bob Dorsa

Bob Dorsa is the President of the ACUMA (American Credit Union Mortgage Association) a professional trade association (co-founded by Dorsa in 1996). ACUMA is one of the most unique niche ... Web: Details