Ongoing Operations, LLC News Archives

Business Continuity Planning – When does it end? Never!

by. Michele Dowis Your Business Continuity Plan is a long-term commitment, not a stand-alone project. BCPs are living documentation; you should never stop updating this information. Updates are needed immediately after creation. Over time information [...]

Digging deeper into your credit union business impact analysis

by. Michele Dowls Your credit union Business Impact Analysis (BIA)  has been completed and you’re doing a review to make certain everything has been captured. Looks like all of the details from every department [...]

5 key changes that will impact your business continuity plan

by. Mark Komnik It may not seem like there’s an end to Business Continuity Planning (Spoiler Alert!  There’s not.), but planning ahead goes a long way; especially during a crisis.  In addition to [...]

OGO Tech Tip: Exchange mailbox sizing

by. Robbie Wright How many cookies can Cookie Monster eat? How many network administrators does it take to change a firewall rule? Unfortunately, what is the maximum size for an Exchange mailbox is just like [...]