NextGen Know-How: How to become indispensable to your boss

Follow these 12 tips to support your supervisor while effectively leading your own team.

I’ve worked for many managers in my career, and each of them had their own leadership style and set of expectations. Some were supportive and available; others were distant and hands-off. As a leader, it’s just as important to learn how to work effectively with your manager or supervisor as it is to inspire and engage your own team of employees.

As you move up in an organization and report to a new manager, it can be tricky to figure out just what makes your boss tick. Each manager is different, and you may be reporting to a higher-level boss like a director or executive who has different expectations than you are accustomed to. So, what sets the excellent leader apart from the mediocre leader in the eyes of the boss? Based on my coaching and consulting work with executives as well as my own experience working for vice presidents and CEOs, I’ve compiled some of the most important tips for being a highly successful employee and gaining the respect of your manager.

Below are 12 tips for becoming indispensable to your boss:

1. Bring solutions, not problems. Your manager doesn’t have time to fix problems for you. When faced with a challenge or issue, brainstorm solutions on your own or with a peer. When approaching your manager about a sticky situation, provide your ideas for solutions and seek feedback from your manager. When you upward delegate to your manager, they don’t see you as capable of leading a team. Managers like to know you have thought through an issue before approaching them and that you are capable of solving problems independently.


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