NextGen Know-How: Little leadership moments

Finding just a few minutes to connect with employees to demonstrate care, concern and interest can make a big impact.

As a parent, I often struggle to balance working full-time with raising three young children. My days often feel like a whirlwind of clients and workshops, and then I have to quickly shift into parenting mode as I prepare dinner, help with homework and get the kids to bed. The weekends are often filled with laundry, cleaning and house projects while I try to fit in building Legos or helping with that craft project. I frequently feel the “working-mom guilt” of not always being able to spend as much meaningful time with my kids during the week as I would like.

As much as it’s hard to balance it all, there are small things I try to do that can be impactful without taking much time. Sending them off to school with a hug, putting a note in their lunchboxes, kissing that boo-boo, greeting them when they come home with a smile and welcoming energy, and leaving a sticky note heart on their pillows at bedtime are all small ways I show them how much I love them. These things don’t take much time, but they can be impactful just the same.

One of the biggest struggles I hear about from executives and managers is the lack of time. Effective leadership requires the ability to create clarity for others, build relationships and coach teams toward results. It’s never been harder to be a leader than it is in today’s environment; employees have high expectations and want leaders who not only support them in everyday challenges, but who also invest in their development and professional success. So, how do you find time to get your work done and lead others effectively at the same time?


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