“No bank you”

I was recently in the market for a new to me vehicle.

I found myself at a used car lot searching through the variety of vehicles.

I opened the door to one and felt that I may have just gained second hand smoke lung damage instantly.

Another had a wad of gum sitting nicely on the floorboard.

“I can get you into any beauty you see here. No doubt”, he schmoozed. 

He followed me around as if I had him on some invisible leash.

I did a few zigzags for funsies.

Eventually I found myself browsing a new lot with less questionable smells and additions.

I test drove a nice vehicle that had one owner who happened to be elderly.

In fact, she had a file folder in her car with every oil change and repair that the car had ever had.

How can you go wrong with that?

As I sat down with the car salesman to discuss my finance options, he quickly started naming off bank after bank that would more than likely be delighted to assist me.

“No bank you”, I replied.


“No BANK you”, I said again.

As I looked at his facial expression and could tell that he was not computing the data that I had placed out there, I changed the delivery to a less witty one.

“I don’t do banks.”, I said.

He began to tell me how cash is cool and cash was the way.

“No. I mean I only use credit unions”

You could almost see the light bulb flicker on as he realized what the “no bank you” comment meant in the first place.

“Yeah. Credit unions are cool too”, he replied

He tried so hard to connect.

Bless his heart.

We went on to have a conversation about banks vs. credit unions and what it all meant.

I must admit, those are my favorite conversations.

The ones where you can educate someone on CUs and open their eyes to the movement.

He admitted to not fully understanding the differences and the conversation ended with me making him a list of the CUs that I knew of around the area.

He leaned back in his chair a bit and swiveled from right to left.

“No bank you,” he said, “I like that.”

No bank you very much.

Nanci Wilson

Nanci Wilson

Nanci started her credit union journey due to lack of kindness. That fact is what led her to close her bank account and open up at a credit union. Ultimately ... Web: https://lcul.com Details