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Number of problem credit unions fall in Q1 2015; Assets and shares increase

by: Keith Leggett

The National Credit Union Administration reported that the number of problem credit unions fell by 18 during the quarter to 258 credit unions at the end of the first quarter of 2015. There are 50 fewer problem credit unions compared to a year ago.

A problem credit union has a CAMEL rating of 4 or 5.

Problem credit unions held $10.3 billion in shares (deposits) and $11.6 billion in assets at the end of the first quarter of 2015. In comparison, shares and assets at problem credit unions were $10.2 billion and $11.5 billion at the end of 2014, respectively.

Shares at problem credit unions equaled 1.14 percent of the industry's insured shares and approximately 1 percent of the industry's assets.

John Pettit