Nussle: New Congress brings new CU opportunities

The new Congress brings new opportunities for credit unions and members, CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle wrote in CUInsight Wednesday. Nussle noted the 118th Congress will feature a credit union majority, and CUNA, Leagues, and credit unions are prepared to continue their positive momentum.

“We’re among the most effective—and bipartisan—trade associations in Washington, D.C. for a reason, so we can continue to champion our members regardless of which way the political winds shift,” Nussle wrote. “Credit unions are in this unique position because we’re not fighting for shareholders or bigger profits, we’re fighting for policies that will let us do more of the good work we’re known for. Our members need us no matter who holds the gavel or chairs a committee.”

He said that 2023 will likely be a rough economic year by all estimates, and credit unions must partner with policymakers to advance policies to increase financial inclusion and access, while pushing back against policies that would do the opposite.


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