Onsite At DID’13: The Southeast Credit Union Revival Tour

By John Pettit, Content Manager, CUInsight.com

This week I had the opportunity to attend the first three DID ’13 conferences throughout the Southeast.  DID’13 kicked off in Charlotte, NC at Charlotte Metro Credit Union; the session featured 7 speakers from around the credit union world.

Andy Janning, President of No Net Solutions presented “Best Practices in Employee Development & Communication.” One of the main ideas in his presentation was that training is not always the root of the problem when it comes to employee performance. According to his “Is This a Training Issue?” table, Janning has 9 other factors that affect employee performance besides training.  Some issues that are often attributed to poor training are, according to Janning, explained by other factors, including communication, standards, priorities, time management, commitment, incentives, resources, capability and job design. Janning had several ideas about how asking the right questions and being in the right state of mind can seriously influence employee development.

Michal Parker from Secured Advantage FCU discussed investment strategies to increase noninterest income at credit unions.  The CFO’s in the group really enjoyed this presentation.  Everyone else learned how to present your ideas to the CFO to get the funding you need.  It’s all numbers to the CFO, ROI.

Tammy Douglass from CUES gave a brief overview of CUES membership options and the benefits they provide. Memberships are available with different levels and packages and benefits include discounts to conferences and eLearning courses.

Carol Middaugh from eDOC innovation spoke on new technologies in check and mobile advancements. She discussed how not only the younger generation, but all generations expect this technology from their credit union.

Bo McDonald and Mark Dudley from your marketing co. talked about how members’ stories can influence the way credit unions market themselves and provide an insightful look into the advantages that Credit Unions provide and the personal success stories that they help accomplish

Our very own Randy Smith, co-founder and publisher of CUInsight.com expanded on the your marketing co theme.  He discussed how to spread your credit union’s story through traditional media, digital and social media.

Michael Bartoo from Marquis presented ideas to develop members at your credit union.  Bartoo said “knowing your member” was key and you have to realize that “you can’t be all things to all members.”  Bartoo separated members into 3 categories that have to be treated in different ways.  “The Keepers” are the small percentage that provides the majority of your income and your main goal with these members is to “keep them and get more.” The next group is “The Builders.” These members make up about half of your CU and have potential to become “keepers.” The last group are the “Ok, Got Em” members.  This group provides the smallest amount of income and makes up about 1/3 of your members and unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do for them. Bartoo said it’s important to know the relational, behavioral, demographic, and psychographic characteristics of each of your members, to best serve them in the ways that will be beneficial to both the member and the credit union.

This group continued on down the road to Columbia, SC and Atlanta, GA over the next couple days.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details