The CUES CEO/Executive Team Network Conference (CETNET), kept the ball rolling this morning and really got the crowd moving, talking and thinking. Michael Stanier kicked off the day with a truly engaging speech and was actively involved with helping the group translate the topic to something personal to them.
It was amazing, so amazing, that I barely have any notes to go off of because I was too busy participating the discussion!
Bottom line: All work fits into 3 categories; bad, good, or great. BUT those categories aren’t what you think. Start to think of “bad” as the mundane tasks that you do that don’t really require any thought or effort. View bad as going through the motions. “Good” is when you are fulfilling your job description, it’s a lot of work to do and someway, somehow, you are getting it done. Then there’s great work. Great work is when you are getting all the good work done, and then actively seeking out opportunities, and looking past around the curve. Great work is more difficult than you think because really we all have TONS of good work to accomplish, and even though many of us are hungry for change and opportunities, few take the step forward. Why? We are creatures of habit, we are comfortable, and because seizing opportunities might rock the boat a little.
Wanting to do great is easy; it’s putting it into action that we all struggle with, so Michael gave us a great handout that makes the action portion seem easier. First come up with a 5 word headline (key: stick to 5 words), this is the “what you want” portion. Next, is the “big picture” why does what you want matter to your credit union? Then on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about undertaking this project? Next, you need to identify what success looks for at 3 different stages in the process: at 90 days, 180 days, and at completion. This will help you track progress and adjust your plan if needed. Then identify what you need the drivers (the people, the product, and process) to do in order to achieve your goal. Finally, identify what has the potential to derail your goal. Come up with 3 and start them as follows: They will, We will, I will. Once you’ve filled out your chart you have a clear path to success that makes the goal tangible. So, stop doing good work and do something GREAT!