Onsite: #CUNAGAC is underway in Washington D.C.

CUNA’s Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) kicked off on Sunday, with nearly 5,000 attendees coming together to hear keynote speakers Ted Koppel, Lisa Bodell, Paul Begala and Mike Murphy. Key legislators, CFPB Director Richard Cordray and the NCUA board will also take the stage at the Washington Convention Center during #CUNAGAC.

Lisa Bodell, best-selling author and CEO of futurethink will kick off Monday’s Opening General Session, discussing how complacency and the relentless pursuit of efficiency prevent organizations from finding and employing innovative solutions that get results.  As a futurist and expert on the topic of change, Bodell is a frequent contributor to Forbes and Harvard Business Review.

Ted Koppel, one of the most recognized journalists in American history, will speak at Tuesday’s General Session. His presentation will explore the possibility of a cyberattack on America’s power grid and discuss the potential devastating consequences. Koppel has won 42 Emmy Awards, 11 duPont-Columbia Awards and eight George Peabody Awards.

The final General Session on Wednesday will feature strategists Paul Begala and Mike Murphy hosting a point-counterpoint on the 2016 elections and examining key issues that will affect the financial industry.

Of the many breakout sessions topics, some will include the NCUA’s field-of-membership proposal, compliance challenges and the results of CUNA’s study on the cost of regulatory burden.

The exhibit hall has a thousand people representing more than 200 organizations, here to meet and talk with credit union volunteers and staff.

Attendees this week will have the chance to descend on Capitol Hill to advocate for credit unions and make the case for regulatory relief, increased consumer access to credit union services, new public policy, and preserving the not-for-profit tax status of credit unions.

Sunday’s opening day schedule included an ED (Filene) Talk from Daniel Pink. The author of 5 provocative books about the changing world of the workplace, Pink shared some insight from his latest book, To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others.

Pink stated that sales has long been associated with sleezy and dishonest salespeople and that those feelings arose from a situation of information asymmetry — where one party (the seller) has more information than the other (the buyer) which would allow the seller to take advantage of the buyer.

Pink discussed how we now live in a world not just of “buyer beware” — but also of “seller beware” and how that change took place because of information parity – buyers now have ample information, lots of choices, and the means to talk back.

The old sales motto of ‘Always Be Closing’ has changed, according to Pink, with the new ABCs of sales being ‘Attonement, Bouyancy, and Clarity.’ Getting out of your head and into your customer’s head, staying afloat in an ocean of rejection, and problem finding over problem solving are some of Pink’s tips for succeeding at sales.

During #CUNAGAC, in addition to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, CUNA communications will be using Periscope, a live-streaming app to broadcast behind-the-scenes updates.

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John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details