Our recent update: A change of makeup

by. Jimmy Marks

In September of 2013, it was decided that our website was due for a makeover. I sat down, brainstormed a few changes to be made and started doing a rough sketch of the layout. One thing led to another and I put the refresh in my “to-do” pile.

In October, I was in Nashville for a conference and I got an email from Greg Crandell, our EVP of Sales and Marketing with the subject line “Focus.”

“I want to talk about creating FOCUS,” the email read. “We have three, maybe four, service focuses but we show 25 services on our site. You and I are going to define focus.”

When I got back from my business trip, I sat in a conference room with Greg and Ron and we started drilling down on what really mattered to us.

I was slowly but surely realizing that this latest update was going to mean more than a change in style – it was going to mean a change of makeup. Not like lipstick and rouge, mind you — “makeup” as in the DNA of the website itself.

First Thing’s First: Focusing

Greg’s email was right. We had too much “stuff” – pages for services that were sub-sections of other services and sub-sets of sub-sections of blah blah blah…it was just overstuffed with information.

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