Paying Board Members Is A Bad Idea

by. Henry Meier

Against my advice (I’m devastated), Washington State is about to become the 11th state in the nation to authorize the compensation of board members. The legislation, which passed with unanimous support and according to the CU Times is expected to be signed by the Governor, would also authorize the compensation of supervisory committee members.

The good people of Washington State did much more harm than good with this legislation. Too many more credit union victories like this one and we will all be polishing our resumes or at least explaining to people that credit unions have gone the way of other not-for-profit financial institutions that lost their exemption when Congress decided that they were too much like commercial banks.

I understand the argument for the payment of board members. It is getting more difficult to find civic-minded professionals to sit on boards where they are responsible for overseeing increasingly complicated organizations at a time when increased regulations are putting both directors and institutions under greater scrutiny. We will get a larger pool of qualified applicants, so the argument goes, by giving boards the option of compensating community members for their time and effort. To me, this argument in tantamount to saying you support Democracy but just don’t think people are talented enough to decide who gets elected. The volunteer composition of all boards is the single most important component to ensuring that the interest of the membership is what guides credit union decision making. I don’t want someone on a board who is doing it for the money or, worse yet, is doing it because he or she needs the money. I want someone on the board because they believe in what the credit union stands for and want to help out their local colleagues, association members or community.

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