Preparing for a “Superstorm” – Hurricane Sandy Tips

by Robin Remines

With the uncertainty surrounding what some are calling  a “Superstorm” – Hurricane Sandy is sending the East Coast scrambling into readiness mode.   How , where, when and to what extent the impact will be felt has yet to be determined but the inevitable high winds, flooding and power outages are destined for those living in the region.  “We at OGO want to reach out to help ensure your preparedness for what appears to be a major event shaping up for the East Coast” says Kirk Drake, CEO of Ongoing Operations, LLC.

Preparedness actions should include actions to prepare your staff, your operations and also your own personal safety.  Take a moment to review your evacuation procedures,  verify your emergency contact lists and otherwise begin preparations for extended downtime due to high winds and flooding. In major events such as ahurricane/tropical storm,  flooding along with power outages pose the highest risk to your communities and business.  Experience says to plan for outages from 5-10 days in such an event.

What can you do TODAY to mitigate the risks of Hurricane Sandy?

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