
1,000 New Members Join CUES in 2010

MADISON, Wis. * The Credit Union Executives Society reached a significant membership milestone on Wednesday November 24, 2010; a record 1,000 new credit union employees have become CUES members as a part of the 2011 membership drive.

This outpaces the average membership growth from the previous seven years by over 800%, and it is estimated that at year*s-end, membership totals will reach more than 8,500 individuals across all membership lines.

*The jump in new memberships demonstrates that although there are fewer credit unions in the industry, the movement continues to be vibrant, and executives are looking for cutting-edge resources,* said Frederick D. Healey, CUES chairman and president/CEO, Workers* Credit Union, Fitchburg, Mass.

New this year, CUES introduced group memberships, giving credit unions more affordable options in staff development.

*Through our new membership options, CUES is leading the way in offering professional growth opportunities to the movement*s current and up-and-coming leaders, assuring credit unions a place in the future,* said Healey. *The more a credit union can invest in staff development, the stronger they will be. CUES is helping them keep this investment affordable.*

The Credit Union Executives Society is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. Its mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.

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