
AACUC announces African American Credit Union Hall of Fame honorees

SNELLVILLE, GA (February 18, 2021)

The African-American Credit Union Coalition (AACUC), will be inducting five credit union leaders into its Hall of Fame at the Virtual Induction on Monday, March 1, 2021, the day before the Credit Union National Association Governmental Affairs Conference (CUNA GAC) begins. The 2021 honorees are: Anthony Bailey, Jim Blaine, Gerald Brooks, John Pembroke and Lynette W. Smith.

Bailey has more than 25 years in the credit union movement, including 17 years at Pepco Federal Credit Union and 8 years at Department of Commerce Credit Union. He is a graduate of both Wesley College and Bowie State University.

Blaine retired from State Employees’ Credit Union, headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he served as CEO from 1979 to 2016. SECU is the second largest Credit Union in the United States, with $38 billion in assets and serving 2+ million members. Jim is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and holds an MBA from Duke University.

Brooks is the Chairman of St. Louis Community Credit Union (SLCCU). Under his leadership, SLCCU and Carrollton Bank began a collaborative agreement to increase lending, provide greater access to affordable services and expand financial education to the local underserved and LMI population. Brooks has also served as Chairman of the African Heritage Association of St. Louis.

Pembroke’s experience includes 25 years in financial services, marketing and e-commerce. He served as chief marketing officer at PSCU Financial Services, one of the largest Credit Union Service Organizations in the U.S. He became the President/CEO of CUES in 2013 has played a leadership role in developing and launching a new direction in CUES’ strategy, branding culture. Pembroke holds a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and a MBA in Marketing and Policy Studies from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.

Smith has been in the credit union industry for 31 years, and has served for the past twelve years as the President/CEO of TruEnergy FCU (formally Washington Gas Light FCU). She also serves on the Board of the AACUC and on Board of the Metropolitan Area Credit Union Management. Smith received from NAFCU, the CEO of the Year Award for credit union’s under $150 million in assets.

“This year’s honorees are shining examples of professional excellence. Each one is a stellar leader and contributor to the credit union movement,” said Larry Sewell, AACUC Chairman of the Board.

Visa, Inc., is the Presenting Sponsor and the honorees are sponsored by NAFCU, Fiserv, Carolinas Credit Union League, State Employees’ Credit Union of North Carolina and PSCU.


The African-American Credit Union Coalition (AACUC) was created to increase the strength of the global credit union community. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization of diverse, multicultural professionals and volunteers in the credit union industry. AACUC is an award-winning organization shaping diversity, equity, and inclusion in the credit union movement. AACUC is considered a leader in the credit union industry, adopting the 8th Cooperative Principle of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and providing knowledge of how credit unions can become more diverse and inclusive. The National Credit Union Foundation Board of Directors awarded AACUC the 2022 Anchor Award, a rare and prestigious honor that stands apart from the Herb Wegner Memorial Awards, which is given to individuals and organizations that have shown incredible leadership and anchored the credit union industry through moments of great adversity.


Sharon Simpson
(240) 620-4095

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