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AACUL announces new Executive Board

The American Association of Credit Union Leagues (AACUL) elected its next Executive  Board. League Presidents reelected four incumbents plus one new League President to govern the  association.  

The new board includes:  

  •  John Bratsakis, president/CEO of the MD|DC Credit Union Association;
  • Patrick Conway, president/CEO of the CrossState Credit Union Association;  
  • Patty Corkery, president/CEO of the Michigan Credit Union League;  
  • Dan Schline, president/CEO of the Carolinas Credit Union League;  
  • Caroline Willard, president/CEO of the Cornerstone League  

Willard joins the Board for her first term; Jeff Olson, current AACUL chair and president/CEO of the Dakota  Credit Union Association, will vacate his Board seat as he moves to the immediate past chair position.  

“Strong leadership from the Executive Board enables AACUL to leverage the collective power of Leagues to  create advocacy wins for credit unions and support a powerful network of credit union Leagues,” shared  AACUL President Brad Miller. “The League System is strong and healthy, and I look forward to working with  the Executive Board and all Leagues to continue to protect and advance a vibrant credit union system.”  

Terms officially begin on Dec. 7, following the 2023 AACUL Annual Meeting. Officer positions will be  determined at that time.  

As of Dec. 7, the ex-officio members of the AACUL Board will include Jeff Olson, president/CEO of the Dakota  Credit Union Association (Immediate Past Chair); Jim Nussle, president/CEO of CUNA; and Brad Miller,  president of AACUL.

American Association of Credit Union Leagues (AACUL)
