Abilene Teachers Federal Credit Union (ATFCU) and PixelSpoke are excited to announce the launch of ATFCU’s new website. Chartered in 1950, ATFCU offers personalized financial services to over 50,000 members in 16 west Texas counties.
PixelSpoke is a Portland-based marketing agency and worker-owned cooperative that specializes in web redesigns for credit unions. From the outset of the project, PixelSpoke and ATFCU identified three primary goals for the website redesign: 1) Let the credit union’s personality shine and reflect the local community, 2) Give folks a reason to come back and make it easy to do more, and 3) Empower the ATFCU marketing team and create a strategic partnership for continual growth.
No one would ever describe ATFCU employees as “stodgy bankers” — in fact, they are anything but. Through its relatable copy, bright colors, and photos of real employees and members, the new website exudes the same warmth and welcoming spirit that members will find in any ATFCU branch location. During the website redesign, the credit union launched a photo contest on social media to engage members and ensure that the website retained a local flavor. One of these submissions became the featured homepage image.
Whether using a desktop, tablet or phone, visitors to ATFCU’s new website can enjoy a cleaner, simpler look with easy-to-use navigation; relevant rates and FAQs; pathways for joining and applying online; and interactive financial calculators. The homepage is personalized to the needs of prospects and current members, based on whether or not a visitor has previously logged into online banking. The prospect version emphasizes the credit union’s cooperative, community-oriented focus and guides visitors to right-fit products and services. The member version focuses on support needs and catches visitors up on the latest credit union news.
Throughout the site, testimonials, photos, and stories from real members show visitors how ATFCU fulfills its mission, and impact numbers further reinforce ATFCU’s clear commitment to its members and community.
The website is built using flexible WordPress templates that empower the ATFCU marketing team to update rates, product pages, photos, community news, and other information as needed. Moving forward, ATFCU and PixelSpoke look forward to continuing their partnership to further evolve the website and better support the financial well-being of ATFCU members.