
ACCOSCA announces worldwide collaboration to create The ACCOSCA Academy

NAIROBI, KENYA (April 18, 2022) — African Confederation of Cooperative Savings & Credit Associations (ACCOSCA) announced today the recognition and collaboration with credit unions and their partners across the United States and Africa to achieve a vision to make their latest project, The ACCOSCA Academy, a reality.

A vision and education plan to reach ACCOSCA member countries representing more than 750 million consumers has already received a groundswell of support from African SACCOs (Savings and Credit Cooperatives) throughout the continent of Africa. Currently, America’s credit unions and their partners are organizing to raise $1.2 million for The ACCOSCA Academy to cross the finish line.

The ACCOSCA Academy enables employees, board members, and regulators of African SACCOs, in addition to community members, to participate in education and training. The Academy will increase competencies at all levels, prepare leaders, and will introduce new ideas and effective problem-solving strategies.

“The ACCOSCA Academy will be the first of its kind in Africa. The Academy will use a blended learning approach to relevant training programs while providing a forum for Africa’s SACCO leadership to think about how SACCOs can empower lives and build livelihoods across the continent of Africa.” said Lois Kitsch, chairperson, African Cooperative Development Foundation (ACDF). Kitsch is working to develop programs and projects to support The ACCOSCA Academy mission of helping Africa achieve its economic potential and giving Africans a better place to live and work.

“Economic and social empowerment of people living in Africa profoundly depends on the financial education knowledge they acquire. I believe training on the impact and efficacy of the credit union model through the Academy to management and leadership has an enormous potential of transforming the communities in Africa by increased membership penetration of the co-operative Model.” said George Ombado, ACCOSCA Executive Director.

The African American Credit Union Coalition (AACUC) is continuing their partnership and support of ACCOSCA by receiving restricted donations on behalf of ACCOSCA for US contributions for The ACCOSCA Academy.

To learn more about The ACCOSCA Academy and opportunities to pledge support including the upcoming Climb Africa fundraising event, visit Climb Africa or


ACCOSCA is the Pan-African confederation of national associations of savings and credit cooperatives societies. ACCOSCA opened its doors in 1968 and is currently being governed by domicile laws and the ACCOSCA constitution. It enjoys goodwill gestures from its members and other stakeholders that are keen on making Africa a better place to live. The General Assembly, which currently comprises twenty-seven countries, is the highest organ of the organization. The General Assembly is held annually and is rotated within the region. It ensures that the activities of ACCOSCA remain relevant in meeting the challenges faced by Africa.


The African American Credit Union Coalition (AACUC) was created to increase the strength of the global credit union community. A non-profit organization of African American professionals and volunteers in the credit union industry, AACUC is an award-winning organization shaping diversity, equity, and inclusion in the credit union movement. AACUC was formally established and incorporated in St. Louis, Missouri in 1999.


George Ombado

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