Entries are being accepted through Sept. 18 for the Excellence in Lending Awards, which recognize outstanding lending results and practices by credit unions. Credit unions demonstrating an ability to reach their members’ needs through innovative means are excellent award candidates and are encouraged to apply.
The Excellence in Lending Awards program was established in 2000 by the CUNA Lending Council and CUNA Mutual Group to identify, recognize and share examples of lending excellence within the credit union movement. The award recognizes credit unions for their ability to serve members while sustaining sound financial performance.
Credit unions, who meet award criteria, are eligible for an Excellence in Lending Award in the following categories:
- Business Lending
- Assets less than $250 million
- Assets $250 million or greater
- Consumer Lending
- Assets less than $250 million
- Assets $250 million or greater
- Mortgage Lending
- Assets less than $250 million
- Assets $250 million or greater
- Low/Modest Means Lending
- Any asset level
All affiliated credit unions in the United States are eligible, except for credit unions that received an award in the last three years. Credit union applications will be evaluated on the following categories: strategy (40 points); programs (30 points), and performance (30 points). Recipients will be chosen for their distinction in business lending, consumer lending (including home equity), mortgage lending, and low/modest means lending for the year 2014.
Winners of the awards will be announced at the CUNA Lending Council’s Annual Conference, Nov. 8-11, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Airfare, hotel and conference registration for one representative of each winning credit union is included with the award.
To learn more and apply visit: http://www.cunacouncils.org/events-recognition/lending-awards-program/excellence-in-lending-awards/. Entry forms must be completed and submitted online by 11:00 p.m. Central on Sept. 18.
The Excellence in Lending Awards are sponsored by the CUNA Lending Council and CUNA Mutual Group. Both organizations are committed to helping credit unions grow their loan portfolios, protect member loans, earn non-interest income and comply with complex regulations.