
Armed Forces Financial Network donates “Thank You” gift cards to Lackland Fisher House

SAN ANTONIO, TX (April 9, 2014) — The Armed Forces Financial Network (AFFN), in partnership with on-base financial institutions on Lackland AFB, presented eighty $50.00 gift cards to the Lackland Fisher House. The “Thank you” gift cards, which are presented to the Fisher House annually, are the organization’s channel to support the men and women in our armed forces.

Representatives from Air Force Federal Credit Union and Security Service Federal Credit Union made the presentation to Col John R. Ekstrand (59th Medical Wing Commander) and Dwayne F. Hopkins (Fisher House Executive Director), on behalf of the financial institutions on Lackland AFB. The gift cards, totaling $4,000.00, were presented to Fisher House on Friday, March 21, 2014.

The gift cards can be used at any of the 1.3 million locations worldwide accepting AFFN payments including DeCA (Defense Commissary Agency) and AAFES (Army and Air Force Exchange Service). The cards function the same as regular debit or ATM cards, and residents will be able to use them throughout the year. The gift cards will be distributed to military personnel and family by Fisher House management.

“The AFFN gift cards are very much appreciated and used by all who stay at our houses,” Dwayne Hopkins stated. “With so many people focused on their medical needs, the cards give extra support for the families to use during their time here. It is a simple and sincere “Thank You” that goes a long way in making their stay here a little easier.”

AFFN, along with the Association of Military Banks of America (AMBA) and the Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC), has proudly supported the Fisher House Foundation and individual Fisher Houses in Germany and the United States for the last eight years. They have provided over $1,000,000.00 in direct support during that period. Every dollar distributed has assisted military service members and their families for care, comfort and food while staying at the Fisher House.

About Fisher House
Fisher House is a public-private partnership with the military that provides families living quarters and support when coping with specialized medical situations. The Lackland Fisher House is a home-away-from-home for the families of seriously ill or injured patients receiving treatment at Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center. For more details, visit

About AFFN
AFFN was founded in 1985 at the request of the U.S. Army in support of the “Surepay” direct deposit system to provide U.S. Military personnel (active, reserve, dependents and retired) with access to their funds through ATM and POS terminals at or near U.S. Military bases worldwide. AFFN’s mission is to increase the versatility of participating financial institutions to better serve the U.S. Military. For more details, please visit


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