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Ascensus awards 2017 core values scholarship

Firm awards students $1,500 toward college education expenses

Ascensus, a technology-enabled solutions provider that helps more than 7 million Americans save for the future, is pleased to announce the winners of its 2017 Ascensus Core Values Scholarship. Presented annually, the Core Values Scholarship is awarded to high school seniors and current college students who exemplify Ascensus’ Core Values: People Matter. Quality First. Integrity Always.®

The Core Values Scholarship program is offered within the Ascensus organization and within schools across Ascensus locations, benefiting both the children of employees and students who live in these local communities. Scholarship winners receive $1,500 each to help fund their college educations.

Scholarship requirements include good academic standing, a letter of recommendation, and acceptance into a college or university for any degree program. Current college students were also eligible to receive the Core Values Scholarship this year. All applicants must submit essays describing how they plan to incorporate Ascensus’ Core Values into their studies and respective careers.

The following winners shared what the Core Values mean to them and how the scholarship would help them achieve their future education and career goals:

  • Raymond Fitzer, who will be attending St. Cloud University in Minnesota, states, “I believe that recognizing people’s importance, making quality my priority, and always practicing integrity will not only help me be successful, but will also help those around me to be successful.”
  • Pursuing a major in biochemistry and dual minors in philosophy and Hispanic studies, Mariah Fitch plans to apply the firm’s Core Values in her future medical career. “A doctor’s role is fundamental in their patient’s experience overall…The medical field offers an environment where all people can grow, achieve, and advance – like Ascensus.” Mariah is attending the University of Minnesota in the fall.
  • Kate Jasenki’s goal “is to learn as much as I can about the world and its inhabitants in order to create a more holistic foreign policy which helps others, is feasible, and is right.” Kate will be attending American University in Washington, D.C. after spending a year abroad learning Mandarin in her home country of China.
  • “Integrity is the underpinning of good relationships and high-quality work,” says Adeline Skovronek, who will be attending Hampshire University in the fall. “No matter how strong a relationship appears or how well a paper might read, if it is tainted with falsehood, that steady foundation immediately drops away.”
  • Rayvanth Chappidi will be attending Washington University in St. Louis this fall, in pursuit of a career as a medical doctor. “Despite the hard work ahead of me, I plan to stay honest and true to the Ascensus value of integrity even while others might decide to go down an easier path.”
  • While attending Penn State this year, Daniel Kirkpatrick will apply the Core Value of Quality First. “If a company proves to its clients that it can provide excellent quality service and goods, it will ensure that its clients will remain loyal and cooperative.”

“We believe it’s important to take an active role in supporting the children of our dedicated associates and the communities in which we live and work,” states Amy Walker, Ascensus’ senior vice president of human resources. “Our company’s Core Values encourage us all to put forth our best work every day, and we’re proud to honor students who extend these principles into our local communities.”