
ATMIA publishes Next Gen ATM User Interface & Metrics

SIOUX FALLS, SD (March 18, 2021)

To mark the milestone of launching the online self-certification system for Next Gen ATMs, which enables customers to transact at ATMs via their mobile bank apps, ATMIA has published its global “Next Gen ATM User Interface and Metrics” best practices. The aim of the new industry manual is to guide ATM operators, vendors and service-providers to measure how to maximize the customer experience and interface at Next Gen ATMs.

The Next Gen ATM User Interface & Metrics report explains why the architecture of the Next Gen ATM blueprint, launched in November 2020, is geared to enhancing the future of ATM consumer experiences and outlines all the relevant factors to measure the improvement of the user interface (UI). There are chapters on the Next Gen ATM, including its business case in an era of Open Banking, on Interface Technologies, both hardware and software, a Customer Interface Overview, including how to customize the UI and increase customer loyalty,  a Functionality and Transaction Flow Overview, Next Gen Certification, Next Gen API Metrics, Non-Card and Non-Contact Transaction Initiation, and on Additional and Alternative Security and Authentication, including analysis of biometrics, geo-checking, geo-blocking, geo-spatial awareness and contactless and cardless transactions.

“After over 50 years of reliable service to cardholders, the ATM has now geared up to enable customers to transact through their mobile devices instead of using plastic cards, providing for faster, pre-staged app-based cash withdrawals and deposits, and, increasingly in future, cash-to-cryptocurrency or crypto-currency-to-cash exchanges,” explained Mike Lee, CEO of ATMIA and Chairperson of the Consortium for Next Gen ATMs, which now has more than 400 participating companies in 55 countries. “Enhancing the customer experience at ATMs has been a driving force behind the development of the Next Gen ATM ecosystem and blueprint, with its combination of vendor-agnostic standards or provider-specific interfaces.”

Members may purchase the paper here for $250. Non-members may purchase the paper here for $650.

For more information, contact Mike Lee at or Hope Lerman at

Become a Next Gen ATM Champion

Today, we invite your company to become an official ATM Next Gen Champion.  Your company will not only be supporting the future of the ATM industry but be noted as one of those leading the way!  The details and benefits of the Champion package are at this link for you to consider. Our packages start at $1200 per year – that is only $100 per month.  If everyone contributes a little we can achieve a lot! For questions or get signed up contact Dana Benson

About Mike Lee, ATMIA CEO – Mike Lee has been CEO of ATMIA since 2005. He is a qualified futurist and his second book on study of the future Codebreaking our Future is available on Amazon.  Mike is President of the ATM Security Association and Chairperson of the Consortium for Next Gen ATMs.


ATMIA is the leading non-profit trade association representing the entire global ATM industry. ATMIA serves more than 10,000 members from over 650 participating companies in 70 countries spanning the whole ATM ecosphere, including financial institutions, independent ATM deployers, equipment manufacturers, processors and a plethora of ATM service and value-added solution providers. ATMIA provides educationadvocacy and connections to help its members keep abreast of industry news and developments; increase knowledge and professionalism; improve operational efficiencies; understand and influence regulatory processes; participate in the local, regional and global ATM community; and forge new relationships to advance their businesses. Founded in 1997, ATMIA has active chapters in the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Asia, Africa, India and the Middle East focusing on the unique needs and issues of each region. For more information, please visit Follow us on LinkedInTwitterFacebook or YouTube.


Amber Howell

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