
BIG unlocks secrets of Bitcoin with webinar

DENVER, CO (February 10, 2014) — For those of you who are bit leery, weary, or wary of that mysterious, digtial currency called bitcoin, you may want to attend Best Innovation Group’s (BIG) upcoming – and very timely – webinar: “Bitcoin 101” on February 18, 2015, at 3 p.m. (EST).

According to BIG’s President and Founder John Best, this webinar answers the following questions for those inquiring minds on bitcoin:

  • Why is bitcoin attracting so much attention in the financial services industry?
  • What is blockchain technology and why should your credit union care?
  • When will members want you to host their bitcoin?
  • Is bitcoin only for criminals?

Best has already produced a podcast on the topic, where he discussed bitcoin with bitcoin trader BTC.SX’s COO Colin Kwan. Both addressed why the blockchain technology is the darling of technology investors worldwide, talking about the future of Bitcoin, how it has been used for criminal acts, how it will be used in the future, and how to leverage a bitcoin investment with Colin Kwan.

Click here to listen or download the podcast.

“Bitcoin is a huge mystery to most credit unions and to a majority of today’s consumers, as well,” says Best. “Our aim with this webinar is to reveal what’s behind bitcoin, how it works, and how it can benefit your credit union. The educated you are on this topic, like any topic, the more confident you will be in making a clear decision on what direction to take with it. Attendees of this webinar will receive much, much greater insight and clarity on bitcoin. It’s an important and timely topic that every credit union needs to address.”

About BTC.SX
We are an easy-to-use Bitcoin trading platform. With, you can trade on the world’s largest exchanges with leverage and position management features. Unlike platforms that make use contracts or bet against their clients, your trades are executed straight out to market on the exchange’s order book. This directly contributes towards market liquidity and guarantees position profits during highly volatile periods. For more information, visit:

About BIG
BIG, founded by former Wescom Credit Union/Wescom Resources Group CTO John Best, is an innovation think tank designed to point its clients in the right direction and achieve quicker adoption of cutting edge technologies. BIG will also leverage the size and scale of its clients to create relationships with entities that would not otherwise want to engage in the credit union market. The firm will provide research and development for its clients in the form of prototypes and written research. BIG will also provide content to credit unions on a subscription basis, providing reviews and research of emerging technology. In addition, BIG will generate avenues to attract top technology talent to credit unions. For more information, visit:

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