
c. myers publishes article on key competencies of strategic C-Suite teams

c. myers corporation, a national leader in strategy and real-time A/LM decision information, has released a c. notes article entitled, Key Competencies of Strategic C-Suite Teams.

To be successful amid the rapid adoption of today’s technology advancements and the accompanying complexities, organizations need C-Suite teams that have mastered strategic thought and action.

“Having and cultivating C-Suite teams with the abilities and time to think and act strategically needs to be a top priority for organizations,” said Sally Myers, principal, c. myers, “so they can evolve and thrive in a world moving at lightning speed.”

“This article outlines proven competencies of strategic C-Suite teams with a twist,” added Brian McHenry, senior vice president/principal, c. myers.  “The reader has an opportunity to see how others are assessing their teams relative to these key competencies.”

To read this article and others, please visit our c. notes page.

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