
California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues honored for power comment logo design

(December 9, 2013) —  The California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues’ Communication and Marketing Department recently received a Gold Award for its logo design for the Leagues’ new PowerComment program.

The department was honored by the MarCom Awards, administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, an international organization. The Gold Award is presented to those entries judged to exceed the high standards of the industry norm. About 22 percent of the more than 6,500 entries received this award. Honorable Mentions were given those entries that met the expectations of the judges—about 10 percent were Honorable Mentions winners, including the Leagues, which received one for its logo design for the 2012 Credit Union SacTown 10-Mile Run as well as for the Credit Union Digest article, “HR 1151: Worth the Effort?”.

The League’s PowerComment tool is a highly interactive online compliance and regulatory communication platform offering comprehensive regulatory resources and information.

“The Leagues’ Communications and Marketing Department was tasked with creating a dynamic logo for PowerComment,” said Carol Payne, Leagues’ vice president of communications and marketing. “The logo by the Leagues’ Image Arc graphic designers was carefully crafted to empower credit unions to unite and collectively fight regulatory burdens.

“It is gratifying to have our efforts—that support the Leagues and its member credit unions—be recognized and honored by an international association such as the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals,” Payne added.


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