
Callahan & Associates adds new features to mortgage market intelligence product

(October 14, 2014) — Callahan & Associates is excited to announce the re-launch of its mortgage market intelligence product, MortgageAnalyzer. With the credit union industry now the second largest provider of mortgage loans, the timely enhancement of MortgageAnalyzer’s features provide a more robust analysis of mortgage trends for credit union at the local, state, and national level.

MortgageAnalyzer provides a complete overview of trends within a specific market, identifies market leaders, and assesses an institution’s market position with remarkable precision. “MortgageAnalyzer provides credit unions with an intimate portrait of their local market competitors, even those you can’t see when walking down the street,” said Callahan’s Chief Operating Officer Alix Patterson. “Too often credit unions overlook competitors they can’t see. MortgageAnalyzer equips them with the facts about which institutions are originating locally, as well as helping them explore new market opportunities.”

New features in MortgageAnalyzer include the ability to:

  • Analyze an entire market– allowing for more in-depth merger and expansion analysis
  • Hone market intelligence results using intuitive, customizable filters
  • Compare the performance ratios of any two institutions
  •   Export mortgage intelligence into graphical or tabular forms in customizable formats

MortgageAnalyzer uses Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data. Callahan scrubs, aggregates, and processes the more than 16 million dagta points, making them more useful than what can be downloaded from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). The FFIEC requires all depository institutions with assets great than $43 million to submit the HMDA files. Data is also available for non-depository institutions such as online and non-traditional retailers.

For more information about MortgageAnalyzer please contact Callahan & Associates at (800) 446-7453 or visit

Callahan & Associates is dedicated to helping the credit union industry thrive. Our team of experts provides leading research, analytics, networking and consulting solutions and our nearly 30 year history has created invaluable connections. More than 4,000 credit unions and industry suppliers rely on us for the latest data, actionable insights and benchmarking tools to develop their unique competitive advantages and achieve their strategic goals. To learn how you can join Callahan’s network, please visit

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