
Callahan & Associates to Host its First National Investment Seminar

Winning investment strategies in a low-rate environment

Callahan & Associates and TRUST for Credit Unions are excited to announce their first National Investment Forum taking place January 28-30, 2013, in San Diego, CA.  Investment experts and credit union practitioners will cover important aspects of the current investment environment.

A variety of sessions are lined up to help credit unions of all sizes overcome their most pressing investment and asset-management challenges.  With two tracks to accommodate all levels of investment knowledge, attendees will have the opportunity to choose the breakout sessions that relate best to the sophistication of their credit unions’ investment strategies.

The fundamental track will clarify investment terms, review the drivers for return and risk, and address the three objectives of an investment portfolio: Safety, Liquidity and Yield.  The advanced track will cover asset management and funding, as well as risk management using derivatives.

Speakers for the conference include Dwight Johnston, chief economist with the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues; Robert Perry, financial advisor at ALM First; and credit union experts Brad Miller of Coastal Federal Credit Union and Jeff Greenert of Vystar Credit Union.

Callahan & Associates’ Chief Executive Officer Sean Hession said, “We invite all credit union personnel who take care of asset-liability management and investments at their credit union to attend this forum. It is educational and collaboratively driven, and it will cover challenges on the minds of most credit unions.”

The forum is especially relevant considering that many credit unions are unsure about all of the options for their investment portfolios and what actions to take in these challenging times. The information learned at the sessions will provide insight to new strategies, asset classes, and management tools that enhance the role of the investment portfolio.

Visit for more information and to register.

For more information about this event, contact Carissa Heckathorn at

Callahan & Associates is a Washington, DC-based firm that delivers in-depth analysis of credit union quarterly performance through its proprietary software and financial publications. As a financial consultant, it also offers strategic planning and investment management for credit unions. Visit to learn more.

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