For more information, contact:
Jessica Hrubes, VP/Marketing
800.252.2664 or 608.271.2664, ext. 5362 *
CCUBE (Powered by CUES) Partners with the National Association of Corporate Directors Madison, Wis. - The Center for Credit Union Board Excellence (CCUBE), Powered by CUES, launching on June 15, is pleased to announce a new partnership with the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) to offer their exclusive Certificate of Director Education. The certificate which is earned through the NACD Director Professionalism* course will be provided to CCUBE members at a discounted rate.
The one-day program provides a strong foundation for new directors and is a valuable refresher for seasoned volunteers. It covers director responsibilities, how to create and sustain board value, the roles of different committees, as well as board ethics and culture. Upon completion of the eight-hour NACD Director Professionalism course, participants receive the Certificate of Director Education.
*Start-up companies to Fortune 100 corporations have found this comprehensive course to be extremely valuable since we are regarded as an unbiased and trusted resource. Our facilitators are active directors themselves, who tailor the program to each client*s particular business
issues,* said Steven R. Walker, director of the board advisory services and corporate secretary, National Association of Corporate Directors, Washington, D.C.
*CUES is excited to add such an esteemed director certification program to its list of offerings,* said Dale Schumacher, chairman,
CUES* board of directors and president/CEO, Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union, Tampa, Fla. *This program will be an excellent resource for boards that want to operate more effectively and explore practices that will enhance their
value.* For more information, e-mail
CUES is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. Its mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.