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CEO and President of Knoxville’s City Employees Credit Union to retire May 1

Larry Pressley to Retire After 31 Years of Credit Union Service

Larry Pressley, CEO and president of City Employees Credit  Union (CECU) in Knoxville, Tenn., will retire May 1, after 31 years of service.

Larry graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and began his credit union career  with ORNL Federal Credit Union, where he worked for five years. He later went on to work at  Oak Ridge Government Federal Credit Union, where he worked his way up to vice president of  finance. 

He started working at City Employees Credit Union (CECU) in April 1993. Under his leadership,  CECU has grown from $28 million to $110 million to date. CECU has expanded from the main  office to four locations across the Knoxville area. Membership has grown from 3,282 members  to 8,586 members. 

In the last 19 years of Larry’s career, CECU returned $3 million in bonus dividends and interest  rebates to the members. 

“Thanks to the diligent work of Larry, the staff and volunteer board members, we are proud to  say we are one of the oldest and still rated as one of the safest financial institutions in the  country,” said Chris Cunningham, CECU chairwoman. “CECU has received national recognition  for performance, including being named by S&B Global Marketing Intelligence Group as #24 in  the nation for Best Performing Credit Union in 2022.” 


Upon retirement, Larry plans to spend time with his wife, Angela, their sons and grandchildren.  He also looks forward to traveling and not shaving. 

“On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors, we want to congratulate Larry on his upcoming  retirement and send him best wishes,” said Cunningham. “We look forward to the next  generation of credit union leadership and growth.”

Larry Pressley, CEO and president of Knoxville’s City Employees Credit Union, will retire May 1 after 31 years of credit union service.

City Employees Credit Union
