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Community South wins three national marketing awards

Community South Credit Union (CSCU) was recently honored with three national Diamond Awards from the CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council for their Community Keepers Award Program, the new Good Natured Foundation logo, and the “Clear as Mud” auto loan campaign.

The Diamond Awards recognize credit unions of all sizes for their excellent marketing initiatives from the previous year. Awards are given to recognize achievements in 35 categories ranging from product advertising to community events and beyond.

The Good Natured Foundation logo received a Diamond Award for the logo category. The
Foundation logo combines the CSCU fish icon with a heart to symbolize the big-hearted members who serve as Good Samaritans every day to support the community. The blue and green color palette and the “earth” shape represent the goal to do good in the world.

The Community Keepers Award received a Diamond Award for the ongoing event category. This program was created to celebrate local first responders who go above and beyond to make our hometown a safer place to live, work and play!

The “Clear as Mud” auto loan campaign received a “Category’s Best” Award for the complete campaign category. This campaign juxtaposed a messy afternoon of mudding with clear, affordable auto refinance terms and a transparent approval process.

Community South CEO, Jan Page, said, “We are proud to see our marketing efforts recognized nationally amongst our peers. These three initiatives - Good Natured Foundation, Community Keepers Awards, and our low-cost auto refinance program - each showcase, in their own way, our commitment to the ‘People Helping People’ philosophy in action.”
View all of the 2022 Diamond Award winners here.

Community South Credit Union
