
Connecting with high school students during Financial Literacy Month

CORVALLIS, OR (April 8, 2014) — The brass Student Program’s #brassmoneymonth promotion is in full effect, and it’s proof that connecting with high school students isn’t as difficult as you think.

The #brassmoneymonth campaign kicked off April 1 to commemorate Financial Literacy Month. Leveraging the Student Program and a social presence, the campaign aims to get young adults engaged and aware of sound financial habits.

Student Program sponsors have helped the contest reach high schools, visiting them personally with multi-media tools and promoting the contest on their social media channels. One of brass’ partners, Mutual Savings Credit Union, has used their social media space to promote the contest to their local schools. Almost 25% of the first week’s entries came from MSCU’s sponsorship area because of their social promotion of the contest. And the first week’s winner was from Hoover High School in Alabama, which is one of the schools MSCU works with as part of their Student Program sponsorship.

Glenith Moncus, Hoover High School’s business education teacher, appreciates the accessibility of the #brassmoneymonth contest. “I teach 9th graders and it is so hard to find engaging and challenging competitions in Finance that I feel they can excel in.  I love that the brass competition is ‘rigorous and competitive’ but also something that younger high school students like mine who [are] just learning about personal finance can do successfully.”

The #brassmoneymonth campaign is largely social, utilizing Instagram hashtags to encourage high school students and teachers to post pictures that fit in with a weekly financial theme. Each winner is chosen by “likes” on Instagram, and receives a brass prize pack that includes a brass t-shirt, chocolate bar, $20 gift certificate to a service that lets users order magnets with their favorite Instagram pictures, and a fish-eye lens for their smartphone. A grand prize winner will be chosen from among the brass Media staff, and this winner will receive a printer that connects directly to their smartphone.

The #brassmoneymonth contest will run until April 30th, with the grand prize winner announced in May.

About brass Media Inc

brass Media Inc is dedicated to providing the financial industry with content and media solutions that help connect with young adult members to build a strong financial foundation. For more information, visit


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