
Coopera and CUNA Team Up on Webinar Series for Credit Unions

(Des Moines, Iowa – April 25, 2012) – Coopera has partnered with the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) to host a series of webinars for credit unions. The objective is to educate as many credit union leaders as possible on the importance of adapting products and services to meet the needs of Hispanic members.

The webinar series has so far garnered attendees from more than 100 credit unions. More webinars are scheduled for the remainder of the year, with the next set to take place on May 16 from 1:30 to 2:30 central.

Each hour-long webinar will offer credit unions ideas and best practices for reaching – and best serving – Hispanic consumers in local communities across the country. “Savvy credit union executives realize the face of the American consumer is changing,” said Coopera vice president Miriam De Dios. “To grow a credit union’s membership, leadership must adapt to their new consumers. It is the integration of a Hispanic growth strategy with the credit union’s overall strategic future that will ultimately create sustainable success.”

Coopera and CUNA encourage credit unions interested in growing Hispanic membership to tune into these upcoming webinar events:

Title: Financial Education for Hispanics – What’s Important to Them?
Date: May 16, 1:30–2:30 p.m. CT
Summary: A strong financial education strategy for your Hispanic members is a Hispanic outreach best practice in the industry. Are you treating your financial education offering as a service? If you don’t know what financial education topics are relevant for your Hispanic members, this webinar is for you. We will give you some insight into relevant topics and available resources and tools to create a successful financial education strategy for your Hispanic members.

Are Hispanics Accessing Financial Information Online?
Date: June 27, 1:30–2:30 p.m. CT
Summary: With a growing number of Hispanics accessing the Internet, is your credit union prepared to deliver relevant financial information to Hispanics online? Learn about some of the recent statistics about Hispanics and technology. Learn about relevant ways to deliver this online content as well.

Title: How to Deliver Financial Education to Hispanics
Date: July 18, 1:30–2:30 p.m. CT
Summary: Is your staff using teachable moments at the credit union to deliver financial education? Learn tips and tricks to train staff on how to take advantage of these teachable moments. In addition, learn how to connect financial education with the needs of your Hispanic members and give your staff the tools they need to teach the right things at the right times to your Hispanic members.

In addition to the upcoming webinars, credit union staff may also view archived webinars for a limited time:

Stop Spinning Your Hispanic Outreach Wheels Series – The HON Demographic and Branch Analysis
Available through May 23, 2012

Stop Spinning Your Hispanic Outreach Wheels Series – Changing Your Organizational Culture
Available through June 14, 2012

How Hispanic Members Contribute to Your Bottom Line
Available through September 28, 2012

What’s Different About Serving Hispanics?
Available through October 18, 2012

About Coopera

Coopera partners with credit unions of all sizes throughout the country, as well as with national and international credit union systems, to help credit unions grow by reaching and serving the Hispanic community. Coopera is owned by Affiliates Management Company, holding company of the Iowa Credit Union League, and is a strategic alliance partner of the Credit Union National Association. For more information visit

About CUNA
With its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) serves 90 percent of America’s 7,400 state and federally chartered credit unions, which are owned by nearly 93 million consumer members. Credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives providing affordable financial services to people from all walks of life.  For more information about CUNA, visit or the CUNAverse blog and follow @CUNAverse on Twitter.  For more information about credit unions, visit and follow @asmarterchoice on Twitter.

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