
Credit Union Executive Compensation Increases for Fourth Consecutive Year

MADISON, WI (August 2, 2013) — The Credit Union Executives Society is pleased to announce the 2013 CUES Executive Compensation Survey summary is now available. Four hundred forty three credit unions participated in the survey, offering representative compensation data for 14 executive-level positions.

The data reveals a continued rise in executive compensation. Other positive trends include:

– Increases in CEO base salary (6.43%), base salary plus bonus/incentive paid (8.40%) and total compensation (8.18%)

– Earnings, board evaluation and loan growth continue to be the top three performance measures to determine CEO bonus/incentive award

– Credit union executives continue to close the gap of pay between their bank counterparts, with CEOs at credit unions $250 million or higher in assets exceeding those at banks in base pay

For the rest of the summary, visit ( ) and click on the blue button at the top of the page. Also, attend our August 8 Webinar, 2013 CUES Executive Compensation Summary: A Year in Review, to learn more about the summary’s results; register at ( ).

CUES Executive Compensation and Employee Salary Survey subscribers—CUES is excited to announce each of these products will be housed on a new online platform presented by Industry Insights. The planned date for this change is August 6, 2013.

If you have any questions regarding the executive summary, surveys, new platform or Webinar, please contact Dana Murn, CUES’ products and services coordinator, at 800.252.2664 or 608.271.2664, ext. 348; or email

The Credit Union Executives Society is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. Its mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.

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